Grow My GRIT Blog

Our blog is a companion source for our consulting process.

Perspective is Everything!

Joni Eareckson Tada coined the familiar quote “perspective is everything…when you are experiencing the challenges of life”. Many inspirational speakers, great authors and everyday people across the ages have talked and written passionately about perspective including Maya Angelou, Albert Einstein, Muhammad Ali, Booker T. Washington, Marcus Aurelius and Ernest Hemingway. So, what is it and why is it so important?  Perspective is essentially the way we see something; it’s how we take in, process and hold information as it’s constantly shifting or changing. Each person on this earth will view a situation differently even if that difference is subtle. Ultimately, what we perceive and what we think affects the way we feel and there’s always more than one perspective! Dr. Wayne Dyer, internationally renowned author and speaker in the field of self-development, said “If you change the way you look at things the things you look at change”. Changing perspective is … Read more

How is Your Balance Today?

In previous blogs, I have focused mainly on the ‘taking action’ side of things when I get people talking about their GRIT. What to do, how to do it and outcomes that might be possible after tackling an action. A friend just sent me this quote and I think it’s an important reminder of the opposite perspective; we need to balance effort and ease when we’re showing up for ourselves! Even before knowing about this quote, I have tried to remind myself of these exact messages on a regular basis. The quote is: You are resilient and need a break. You gave your all and need to back out. You are independent and still need others. You were sure and things changed. You are kind and have boundaries. Others have it worse and your pain is valid. You did your best and now you know more. I have a lot of nicknames and I’ll share them on the Grow My GRIT podcast someday! However, one of my … Read more

Who Needs a Grip?

In 2020, I invited people to attend a free workshop titled “Let’s Use our GRIT to Get a Grip.”  I asked the participants to identify a difficult situation or relationship and develop a plan of engaging their GRIT in the face of that obstacle. I really appreciated the range of obstacles that participants openly shared during each session! In this blog, I want to share with you my journey of using my GRIT to get a grip. My path to publication has been full of challenging situations as well as rewarding ones so I thought it would be neat to celebrate the release of my new book with a reflection on some of the many times when I needed to get a grip along the way.  In case you haven’t attended the “Let’s Use our GRIT to Get a Grip”, workshop here are the four grips I proposed for discussion: Stay Afloat … Read more

Do You See What I See?

Warning: This is the longest blog EVER because a conversation got me so excited and I still can’t hide it! Alright….. Do you see what I see? My entrepreneurial journey has been a somewhat fluid one so far. While the path ahead twists and turns, I try my best to pick up every life lesson available to me along the way. By doing this, I discovered my LOVE for teaching yoga in 2020.  Do you want to know something cool? GRIT (e.g., one’s default setting in the face of obstacles) and yoga go so well together. Better than I could have imagined, even better than pancakes and maple syrup! When I started teaching yoga, I immediately saw the links between yoga and GRIT; my mind went crazy thinking of all the ways I can connect the two and build a series to share with all of you.  More on this to come, I … Read more

I’m So Grateful for a GRIT-ful Year!

Exactly one year ago, I launched Gritty Guru Company with the intention of helping others embark on the journey to know, grow and show their GRIT. Happy first anniversary to me! I cannot believe that a full year has gone by and I cannot believe that my basket of blessings is still overflowing! This blog is all about naming and celebrating the biggest blessings of the last 12 months even though each blessing is cause for celebration and gratitude regardless of its size 🙂 Blessing #1 – People! Yes, you. I have always enjoyed meeting and getting to know gritty people and this year was no exception. I have met so many new people, reconnected with other people and seen new sides of some familiar people. Before starting my business, I regularly supported GRIT grow-ers, know-ers and show-ers in many contexts without using any specific term for what I was doing. I really … Read more