How Slow Can You Go?
Albert Einstein once said, “time flies when you’re having fun” and it’s completely true. It’s been FIVE months since the post about my New Year’s resolution to embrace online marketing for my book and I’m delighted to report that I’ve taken some steps along this seemingly 1000-mile journey! To be completely transparent, the fun I had wasn’t necessarily related to my resolution and I’ll share more about that in another blog . Apparently, I’m a good procrastinator for all things online and social media. So, to answer my question truthfully, one step at a time is how slow I can go. That translates into about one task per month for me but… “Forward is forward no matter the speed” – Anonymous. So, a bit on my progress so far…… In February, I read through hundreds of book club descriptions to figure out which ones I should contact when the time is right. Going … Read more